Why was this not on Entertainment Tonight?
On the afternoon of 21 January 2013, I tried a couple of times to spot Jupiter naked eye in dayight a little ways east of the Moon but had no success. Even the images from my tripod mounted Canon Powershot on telephoto didn’t pick it up. I couldn’t see it until a few minutes before sunset while I was driving home. (Why do I always see interesting stuff when I am driving?) Sunset was at 5:10 pm CST and I pulled over and snapped this shot just a minute or so before that. Technically it was still daylight although the sky had darkened a lot. After I got home I came outside and looked every hour or so til about 10:00 pm when Jupiter and the Moon were at their closest (less than one Moon diameter). A lovely sight to end the day with.
Parting, they seemed to tread upon the air,
Twin roses by the zephyr blown apart
Only to meet again more close.
— John Keats, Isabella

21 January 2013 Jupiter/Moon Conjunction — Copyright (c) 2013 Robert D. Vickers, Jr.